Future projection from the High-resolution Ice-Ocean Modeling and Assimilation System (HIOMAS) with 6-km uniform spatial resolutions for the Arctic Ocean and adjacent seas Future projection and hindcast period: 2010-2069 Future projection and hindcast forcing is from the CMIP6 run, CNRM-CM6-1-HR GCM conducted at the National Center for Meteorological Research, Météo-France and CNRS Laboratory (CNRM). HIOMAS-6km monthly mean sea ice thicness data for 2010-2069 in NETCDF file format are provided: Also included in the NETCDF files is model grid information, including latitude and longitude at each model gird cell. The HIOMAS sea ice thickness data are generated with the support of NSF Office of Polar Programs (NNA-1927785). If you have any questions, please contact